Kahramanyan Armine Ludvikovna
Priority areas of work: ultrasound, obstetrics, gynecology, treatment of cervical pathologies, STDs.
- 1997 - Yerevan State Medical Institute;
- 1999 - Scientific Center for the Protection of Mother and Child, clinical residency, specialty "obstetrician-gynecology";
- 2004 - MSMSU, graduate school, specialty "obstetrician-gynecologist";
- 2011 - Certificate of a specialist doctor in obstetrics and gynecology;
- 2015 - Research Institute of PAG, graduate school, scientific degree of candidate of medical sciences.
Work experience
- 2013 - courses on "Colposcopy in the practice of an obstetrician-gynecologist", Kiev, Ukraine
- 2015 - specialization in "Ultrasound diagnostics" Kiev
- 2016 - courses on "laparoscopy and hysteroscopy" in gynecology Kiev
- 2016 - courses on "Reproductive technologies »
- 2018 - is a member of the Ukrainian Association of Reproductive Medicine (UARM)