Soisic Le Parko
Academic background
- DESC of Reproductive Medicine (2008-2009)
- Exercise Thesis in Medicine (2009)
- DES Gynecology-Obstetrics (2009)
- First and Second Cycle of Medical Studies, Faculty of Medicine Francois Rabelais, Tours (37), Certificate of Clinical and Therapeutic Synthesis (1997-2003)
Hospital itinerary
- Since January 2014: obstetrician gynecologist specializing in Reproductive Medical Assistance at the Mututaliste Montsouris
- Institute Specialist assistant, then contractual hospital practitioner Gynecology Obstetrics and Reproductive Medicine service of Professor Alexandra Benachi, Antoine Béclère Hospital, Clamart (2011-2013)
- Head of Clinic Universities-Assistant of Hospitals, Department of Pr Hervé Fernandez, Obstetrics Gynecology, Hospital of Bicêtre, University Paris XI (2009-2011)
- Internal obstetrics and gynecology of the Civil Hospitals of Lyons (2003-2009)