Weipeng Zhao
Well known in China for his pioneering contributions in organ transplantation, microsurgery in urology, renal artery diseases, andrology and various surgical devices and equipment, Dr. Weipeng Zhao came to the US in 1990 at the invitation of The National Cancer Institute (NCI), where he served as an International Exchange Scientist.
In April 1994, Dr. Zhao joined Genetics & IVF Institute (GIVF USA) and founded GIVF's International Division. As Director of the Division and Vice President of GIVF, he worked with Chinese partners to establish the first facility in China that specializes in providing reproductive medicine, which opened the door for reproductive medicine in China. With its Chinese partners, GIVF established the Ji Ai Genetics and IVF Institute China-USA Centers in Shanghai, Guangdong and Heilongjiang and a Branch Center in Huzhou, Zhejiang. Shanghai Ji Ai has been operating successfully since 1998.